Holocaust 80 years on – The Legacy of the National Socialists

Reading time: 13 minutes

File:Germany-00155 - Holocaust Memorial (30327228915).jpg - Wikimedia  Commons
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/

THINGS TO KNOW The Holocaust, a genocide of the Jews by the Nazis during the Second World War has shaped German history like hardly any other historical event. But most of us are not aware of the resulting responsibility of the German people.

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Jews in Wittenberg 2020: History of judeophobia

Reading time: 4 minutes

The Jews sow
The ‘Judensau’ (Jewish sow) in Wittenberg
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/

THINGS TO KNOW Judeophobia in Wittenberg 2020: The dispute about the ‘Judensau‘ at the city church divides the inhabitants of Lutherstadt Wittenberg. To better understand the creation of the relief it is important to learn more about the history of anti-semitism. Only few people know how long the hostility against Jews has really been anchored in people.

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New Year’s resolutions – Brilliant ideas for your school life 2024

Reading time: 4 minutes

Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Silveryear-2024.svg

LEARNING HACKS We seldom achieve the New Year’s resolutions we set ourselves for the next year. Yet a few goals can bring so much positivity into our boring everyday lives and make our school life much easier.

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Wittenberg in the course of industrialisation – the SKW Piesteritz between the 19th century and now

Reading time: 10 minutes

Lutherstadt Wittenberg | Wittenberg an der Elbe ist eine Uni… | Flickr
Lutherstadt Wittenberg

THINGS TO KNOW A garrison town became a nationally influential industrial location – Wittenberg’s transformation into an industrial town began late, but was then unstoppable. Its development during the industrialisation period was particularly evident in Wittenberg’s district Piesteritz escepially with the ‘SKW Stickstoffwerke Piesteritz GmbH’.

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